Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 2

Today I plan on learning about glogster. Glogster is new to me but I did watch the video and got a littleinsight on it. I think making online posters is a great assignment to use especially around black history month and other projects the students might have. As always glogging seems hard in the beginning but once I learn it I will be an expert!

Oh that is my pre-glogster face =)


  1. Yes glogging sounds hard, but it has to be pretty simple for children to navigate. And i like ur pre-glogster picture.

  2. Awesome! Looking forward to seeing yours!

  3. I don't think I have a pre glogster face, I will work on one. I did my bulletin board on Black History Month and I see what you mean when talking about how informative and important posters are.
